Thursday, August 04, 2005

All my Woes rolled up in one...

Just to recap...

In my second trimester -- my doctor told me I tested positive for type-B strep. He said I was colonized. Great. Evidently, you can become colonized from surgical procedures (3 IUI's, 2 IVF's ... all considered surgical procedures).

Then, at the beginning of the week, the Perinatologist said that this baby is going to definitely be 9 pounds, but most likely 9.5 pounds, and possibly closer to 10 pounds. So basically... a toddler.

Last week, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and began taking insulin injections twice a day. Since then, my insulin dosage has been raised once.

Then, yesterday, I saw my cardiologist. She said that the heart sonogram I had last week showed that I have an enlarged heart, and that it is beating rather sluggishly -- in other words -- cardiomyopathy. She's not sure if it was pregnancy induced (pari-partum cardiomyopathy) or if it was enlarged all along, but the pregnancy brought out the symptoms I've been experiencing (racing and irregular heart beat), which enabled them to diagnose it.

So life is just great ... I'm feeling so swell and on top of the world right now. NOT!!

Let's see if we can sum it all up ... Colonized Type B Strep, Big-Huge-Gigantic child, Gestational Diabetes with insulin, Cardiomyopathy, irregular heart beat, and old age (38)... This should all make for an interesting labor and delivery.

In the mean time, I'm trying really, REALLY hard not to get too down or depressed. Really. I am. But all I want to do right now is leave work early, and crawl into bed and sleep. And sleep, and sleep.

Oh, and I also want to see my feet when I look down, but that's not happening for at least another two months.


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