Stuff ...
Is it possible? Three more toys, and one book and I’ll be done with my Christmas shopping. I’m about 1/2 way done wrapping presents, too!
This week, Hunter’s been a little bit under the weather … fighting a virus. Poor kid has had a small fever of 99.7 degrees – nothing too alarming, but after 5 days, you start to worry. He’s been crabby, and he wants his momma. The problem is… I work … full time. I took off Wed and Thurs to care for my boy. His temp broke yesterday and went to normal around 1-ish, when he proceeded to vomit all over me 4 (yes, FOUR) times -- projectile vomit. And none of it got on him, either! How do babies do that???
Anyway … this weekend, we have three open houses -- all on Saturday, and all for very good friends. We don’t want to miss any of them, and we’re trying to figure out how to juggle all of them. Also, I want to bake this weekend. I usually make something for my neighbors… we have a great neighborhood! Last year, I made chocolate-chocolate chip bundt cakes with a chocolate glaze. Now… am I crazy to take on baking with a 2 month old baby, or what??? Actually, I’m making easy things… mostly candy type of things like pretzels with chocolate, saltine cracker toffee, and some sugar cookies (using pre-made cookie dough, of course). They’re just going to have to be happy with a goodie box instead of a scrumptious cake.
Now, I may have to strap the kid on to me with a long sheet or something so I can move around and still hold him. Especially if he doesn’t feel well. We’ll have to see how it goes!
On another note, our announcements finally arrived. I stuffed the envelopes and mailed them out last week, and everyone that has gotten them has melted! They are so adorable … of course, it really is the picture of Hunter that they are melting over! I had to order an extra 20 today, because I ran out of them, and didn’t even have one left for his album!
And, last but not least… I finally got a decent picture for our Christmas card. The baby wouldn’t cooperate! It’s tough taking pictures of babies! I ended up going with a 4x6 family shot on the front, and putting a wallet sized one of Hunter inside the cards. Next year, I’ll probably do it the other way around… Can’t wait to pick them up tonight and get them assembled and sent off this weekend … yeah! Something else for me to do!!!